17 November 2011

Cow-o-ween (part two)

Halloween is not just a super fun excuse to dress up our super cute kid in a cow costume; it's also a wonderful occasion to take lots of cute photos of him with his friends. Both of our playgroups (the Five Points Half Pints and the Stroller Strides gang) hosted fantastic costume parties this year. Court was especially excited to spend some costumed time with his besties Oliver and Gigi. Oliver plays a particularly significant role in our Halloween memories, since Court crawled for the very first time while watching Oliver do the same at a costume party on October 28, 2009. Fast forward a year, and these two are still dearest of friends!

Take note of the ridiculously adorable hand-holding!

16 November 2011

Cow-o-ween (part one)

We're a few weeks behind schedule with this post (ah, the life of a working mom!) but Court is still talking about the "cow jacket" he wore for Halloween. Of course, it wouldn't be a proper toddler holiday without multiple costume parties and lots and lots of candy. Sadly, it started pouring rain at 4 pm on October 31st so our neighborhood costume parade was cancelled and we only made it to a few houses for trick-or-treating, but Court still had a great time. He was extra excited to show off his costume to his Grammy Carol and Papa Courtney, who came into town to share the evening with us.

(note the M&Ms in his right hand!)