30 July 2012

Graduation Day

In a month's time, Court will be moving on from the wonderful nursery school where he has spent the past ten months growing and learning while Mom and Dad were at work. The school, the Infant-Toddler Center (ITC), is a small program housed in a church across the street from the State Capitol building, and we feel so fortunate that Court was able to spend part of his year there. Sadly for us, the ITC provides care for children ages two months to two years so Court will be moving on this fall before he turns three.

Court's teachers and program director put together a lovely graduation celebration for him and his classmates, where they performed a few songs and received graduation certificates and photo memory books. We had a great time watching him perform and we are so fond of the community at the school.

Court with his lead teacher, Minnie

26 July 2012

Summertime Swim

Pardon the three-month hiatus from Holding Court!
We had a very busy late spring and early summer, with lots of travel to wonderful places to visit and celebrate with dear friends and family. We hope to settle back into our home and our regular routines by mid-August, after a few more trips to fun and far-away places (including Court's birthplace, NYC!).

Despite all of the travel, we have found plenty of time to enjoy all of the wonderful summer programs that Raleigh has to offer, including a series of swimming lessons at a city pool. We started with a parent-child class earlier this summer, at which point our *advanced* swimmer was given the go-ahead to move onto the first level of preschool swimming classes (usually reserved for children ages three and up!). Court is loving this six-class series and he has the added bonus of a good friend, Monty, to join him in class every day.